Use of edifying

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Eph. 4:29

When I see this, I wonder what kind of corrupt communication? I don’t know if those saints in Ephesus used foul language or not, but this verse is certainly timely. To me corrupt communication is more than foul language, (which is certainly acceptable in this day and age), but also means, gossiping, speaking bad of others, false witness, bad jokes and the list is endless. So what I speak has to edify, meaning not to tear down, but to build up, well that certainly means not to gossip, or bear false tales. I know that I would watch what I say, and see if it brings edification, peace instead of strife, life instead of death, Joy instead of sorrow. There are so many verses in the bible concerning what I speak, and to be with a bunch of unbelievers speaking the same way they do, or gossiping like them or so forth, doesn’t minister grace to them. It doesn’t set me apart, for even with my words will I be witnessing about Him, and I will be judged on what “communication” streams forth from my mouth. The Word says: From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. May my heart be full of love, and the word of God so that my communication will Minister Grace unto all who have ears to hear.

His Peace to You!

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