Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb. 11:1
As I am walking by faith it is evidenced. I believe that God gives us more faith by His Word, prayer, and through others. There have been times in my life where it seemed that I could not go on at all, believing, having faith. What I was doing was so different from what others were doing, and how my walk was going seemed different too. Most people seem to want to help and tell you where to go and how to do it. Like Job’s friends, but God honors the faith we have to walk as He asks not as others would like us to do, or go. Separation from the world system, and departing from the “normal” Christian walk takes faith, but although the things hoped for are not often seen, I have to follow the lead of my Father, and be a God pleaser and not a man pleaser. Fortunately He gives the strength and keeps me in whatever or wherever He leads. Thank you Lord!